Coaching Cards for Coaching, Education and Therapy

These Emotional stick figures are international

They are international, because they don't need the spoken language and are being understood anyway - by just a few simple lines.


Furthermore there are several of our emotions being expressed and understood all over the world.


The seven Basic Emotions to work with in Coaching, Education and Therapy

It does not matter if you are an educator, teacher, therapist, coach or parent. You can use these universally emotional stick figures for setting impulses within groups or single settings, teaching and developing empathy and a certain understanding and reading capacity of emotions, mood and its facial expressions. This will help to to "read" and understand someone's own emotions as well those of other people.


These stick figures will also smooth the way of integration, because they are a  humorous and entertaining tool and bridge between different cultures.


Last but not least, it's just fun! 

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